Thursday, May 17, 2007

Another chapter in life...

I can honestly say I am beginning another chapter in my life that right at this moment is very uncertain, but nontheless, very sweet.

Not many people get the opportunity to have someone come back into their life after several years and be able to just pick back up--like they never were apart. I call it a "lucky" do-over. You always here people say "If only I could go back and do things differently" or "have the chance to tell someone from long ago something that I never was able to tell them back then". Let me tell you--if you ever are given that opportunity for a "lucky" do-over do not let it pass you by.

Even though people change or begin a new chapter in their life, it never erases the chapter that they shared with you. Things are more then likely not the same for either person as they were years before, but who knows what the "unwritten" chapters of our lives hold. A new chapter...a new storyline...a new ending...possibilities are endless...

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